Fast-track loan application & approvals with our loan origination accelerator

Loan Origination Accelerator Services

Quickly build a robust lending platform with our LOS accelerator

Automate, accelerate, streamline loan application and approval process with our Loan Origination System (LOS) accelerator built on top of the OutSystems low-code framework. With a proven track record in delivering fast and agile low-code solutions, our LOS OutSystems accelerator easily accomplishes 60-70% of loan origination process needs while allowing endless custom integrations and modular customizations. We bring together the high-performance low-code capabilities of OutSystems along with our strategic expertise in building end-to-end digital lending systems for global Banks, Credit Unions, Microfinance Institutions, and FinTech Companies to fast-track the loan origination process. With a mobile app to simplify loan initiation and web admin backend to facilitate loan application processing, approval, risk assessment, and document verification, our LOS accelerator comes with pre-built modules and integrations (Onfido eKYC) to expedite lending platform development.

Achieve enterprise-grade scalability in loan origination with Ranosys.

Loan Origination Accelerator Services

Why OutSystems loan origination system (LOS) accelerator?


Built on top of OutSystems, the leading low-code app development platform, our LOS accelerator leverages all its pre-built UIs, components & integrations to develop custom workflows & data models tailored to your loan origination process. 

Time to Value

On an average, It takes 7-9 weeks to close a loan. Our LOS accelerator can launch your loan origination system within a few weeks along with modules for eligibility check, secure authentication & advanced reporting & analytics.


LOS accelerator automates data capture & collection events, loan processing and underwriting events, document management and more. It also enables automated workflow modules to complete events automatically and send automated alerts.

Enterprise-grade Scalability

Ranosys’ loan origination system accelerator is built on top of OutSystems, known for its cloud infrastructure, auto-scaling capabilities, and optimized database management, all of which empowers apps to handle increased user demands and data volume effectively.

Cost Efficiency

The OutSystems LOS accelerator comes with pre-built, reusable components and templates that expedite development, reduce the need for custom coding, minimize resource allocation, resulting in quicker LOS time-to-market lower development costs.


The LOS accelerator provides modular and customizable components that can be easily integrated, extended, or adapted to suit your process needs. This enables rapid application development while maintaining enterprise-level scalability and robustness.

Want to see our loan origination system accelerator in action?

Win more and faster with our OutSystems LOS accelerator

LOS Accelerator

Here’s what you get -

  • Tailor-made and packaged support plans
  • Dedicated support team
  • Critical round-the-clock support
  • Integrations with leading eKYC solution Onfido. 
  • Secure authentication for admins.
  • A visual development environment with a drag-and-drop interface, reusable modules, and automation, AI, and analytics capabilities.
  • Automated approval and rejection workflows, advanced reporting and analytics.
  • Fast-tracked LOS development for home and personal loan origination process.
  • A team of consultants, UI developers, certified architects, and testers.

We align our success with our client's success

Our client-centric approach delivers client satisfaction consistently.


Trusted by leading brands including Fortune 500

We are proud to work with some of the most renowned brands in the world.


Know more about our loan origination system (LOS) accelerator.

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