Back in Stock & Low Stock Notifications Cartridge for B2C Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Back in Stock & Low Stock Notifications Cartridge for B2C Salesforce Commerce Cloud
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Implementation Partner
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Implementation Partner

Boost sales with real-time stock alerts for both customers & merchandisers

Popular items going out-of-stock can be a major setback, leading to lost sales and revenue, unsatisfactory customer experience, diminished brand loyalty. While the possibility of popular items running out of stock is real, it shouldn’t necessarily mean the end of the customer journey. To address this, Ranosys has developed the Back in Stock and Low Stock Notifications cartridge for B2C Salesforce Commerce Cloud. This solution your customers are immediately notified when products are back in stock while informing merchandisers via email for low-stock products. Across retail & consumer goods, food & beverages, home & lifestyle, health & beauty industrial sectors, letting customers know when their favorite items will be back in stock can prevent lost sales, enhance customer satisfaction and maintain strong relationships.

Never miss a sale with our Back in Stock and Low Stock Notifications Cartridge.

Salesforce Crest Partner

Key Features

Automated Emails

Once configured, the cartridge requires no maintenance and automated alerts can be sent directly from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud to customers so that they complete their purchases once products are back in stock and to merchandisers for low-stock products.

Back In Stock Email Alerts

Show the ‘Notify Me’ button if product stock level goes below the configured threshold. Shoppers can easily subscribe with their email address to receive back-in-stock email alerts and complete their purchase.

Notification Threshold

Set a notification threshold to avoid sending back-in-stock alerts to more customers than the number of items available, ensuring returning customers can purchase their products. Also, set low stock thresholds to keep admins informed when inventory drops below a number.

Low Stock Alerts

With low stock alerts, admins receive email notifications when product quantities fall below configured thresholds, ensuring timely restocking. This proactive approach allows merchandisers to efficiently manage inventories and prevent items from going out of stock.

Reporting & Analytics

Gain valuable insights with our reporting and analytics feature, which allows you to analyze interactions and the effectiveness of your back-in-stock notifications. Admins can access reports showing product IDs and email addresses of customers who have opted for notifications.


We align our success with our clients' success

Ranosys continually assists in leveraging the multi-cloud Salesforce ecosystem to maximize investments and deliver differentiated innovation.


Sectors utilizing our Cartridge

Home & Lifestyle

Home & Lifestyle

Jewelry & Accessories


Trusted by leading brands including Fortune 500

We are proud to work with some of the most renowned brands in the world.


Schedule a live demo with our Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud specialists.

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